Schotia brachypetala – Drunken Parrot Tree, Weeping Boerbean, African Green Heart, Africa Nut


Botanical Nomenclature: Schotia brachypetala
Common Name: Drunken Parrot Tree, Weeping Boerbean, African Green Heart, Africa Nut
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: South Africa
Height: 5 – 22 Meters
Luminosity: Full Sun
Frost Tolerance: Moderate
Water Requirements: Moderate
Drought Tolerance: Yes
Wind Tolerance: Moderate

SKU: P-1521 Category: Tags: , ,


One of the most beautiful and notable trees of south african flora. Frost and dry resistant.

In its origin habitat and depending on the conditions of cultivation, can achieve up to 22 meters of height, but when cultivated on poor soils or in very dry conditions, it has minor development and tenders to be minor, does not generally exceed 5 or 6 meters of height .

The species are resistant and tolerant at temperatures in the (-5 c) band, but in hot areas and free from frost, plant in soil soil, irrigation or summer rain, its growth and development is amazingly fast.

The red flowers well dark, in the palette of wine and very seen are of an indescritively spectacle that presented them for the long period in flowering and replicas of nectar are the main fountain in the feeding of diverse birds.

Very beyond being only an excellent ornamental tree, that extraordinary exemplary has highlights other medicinal uses.

Wood is of good quality and appropriate for furniture manufacturing. Cerne is dark, almost black, hard, very heavy and resistant to cupim. Very used also for wooden floors.

The derivation of the brachypetala name means “to have short petals” and reflects to the flowers that are unique between the schotia species where the petals are partially or completely reduced to linear filaments. Beauty of flowers for that species are in their colorful flowers (seeds), stamps and flower stuff. The flowers produce a huge quantity in nectar, that through flowers, trickle and cries; making us understand being your common name: weeping boerbean.

Without any doubt, one of the most beautiful and spectacular exemplars of that flora.

A chamariz for convivion with parrots, landscapes, miscellaneous birds, kisses flowers in great quantity, and much more, flowers and edible fruits for human beings, if you can save them.

A rare example in cultivation and that we have great pleasure in adding to our and his collection.

Additional information

Weight N/A