Bolusanthus speciosus / Lonchocarpus speciosus - Tree Wisteria, African Wisteria, Elephantwood, Elephant Wood Seeds

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Botanical nomenclature: Bolusanthus speciosus / Lonchocarpus speciosus
Common name: Tree Wisteria, African Wisteria, Elephantwood, Elephant Wood
Family: fabaceae
Origin: south africa
Height: between 5 and 12 meters of height
Luminosity: partial shadow, full sun


The name of gender honors “harry bolus”, a entrepreneur and botanic enthusiast; and speciosus in latin that means beautiful.

The most common tree known as wisteria tree, naturally occurs in the north province, mpumalanga, kwazulu-natal, swaziland and zimbabwe.

Flowering two years old in cultivation, their root system is not invasive, and can be planted by walls, in footwear and various other places where that requirement is premium.

Loses its leaves for a very short period and flows intensely in long pending cachos, for a long period, being able to keep florida for more than three months. Her flowers go from blue light, passing to indigo and sometimes violet.

Resistant to the geadas that occurs in brazil, is a small tree with a beautiful flowering, extremely adaptable to all the climates that happen in brazil.

Blooming flower, species of small porte and that can also be cultivated in vase with huge success.

Enough dry resistant.

The wisteria that failed for our collection and that can be cultivated with masterhood where others could succumber; dry, heat and high temperatures.

Seeds extremely fresh and with excellent germinating rate.

Bolusanthus speciosus is exactly what the name meanes, precious.

Produces wood of excellent quality, highly durable, resistant to termite, drills and does burn with ease.

Can survive long dry periods and young plant transplant easily. Low maintenance and extremely ornamental.

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