Backhousia citriodora, has quick growth, is tolerant to the frost that occurs in brazil, extremely adaptable and does need for powers.
Your common name (lemon myrtle) refers to the strong aroma of your leaves. His botanical nomenclature homenage the missionary and botanical “james backhouse” (1852 – 1890).
The oil getting from the species has the greatest index of citral purity, superior to the capim lemon. Your aroma is considered infinitely clean and sweet. The major source of citral essential oil. Citronal chemotype is rare, and can be used as an excellent insect repellent.
Backhousia citriodora is considered the “queen of herbs”, citrus species, originating australia.
Murta lemon is used in the cuisine providing indescriptive flavor and aroma … Hot dishes, salads, cakes, cakes, juices and sorvetes … Among others. Add flavor in sauces, maione and a special touch when added to sea fruit.
Very rare species in cultivation, extremely adaptable to all regions in brazil, rustic, a treasure.
Lemon myrtle is a melifer of excellence, abundance in flowers, extremely ornamental and of indescribable aroma.
Rare free “fresh” seeds for this species.