Passiflora auriculata / Passiflora torta / Cieca auriculata – Passionfruit Black Sweet Maracuja, Black Sweet Granadilla


Botanical nomenclature: Passiflora auriculata / Passiflora torta / Cieca auriculata
Common name: Passionfruit Black Sweet Maracuja, Black Sweet Granadilla
Family: passifloraceae
Origin: nicaragua, bolivia, venezuela
Height: 6 – 12 meters
Luminosity: full sun, partial shading
Climate: see description below

SKU: P-1625 Categories: , Tags: ,


Passiflora auriculata on the navada of forests in nicaragua, bolivia, brazilian amazon and venezuela, from sea level up to 1,700 meters in altitude.

Videira (trepadeira) of the family passifloraceae, productive, with small round round fruits color dark well, nearly black, comestive and sweet.

A profession of green-yellow flowers that attract hungry pollinators in his nectar.

An even rare and enough unknown culture, ornamental trepadeira for collecting fruits in tropical, subtopatic and tempered gardens, or simply for the feeding of our wildlife and collection.

History and folklore:
The flower of passion symbolizes spirituality. Missionaries of the 16th century on visit to south america believed that their flowering symbolized the death of christ, as petals and separates represented the disciples, a double row a crown of thorns, the stems, represented as their wounds.

How seeds should be immersed in wet water for the minimum period of 24 hours, should be seen a following and lightly covered; seeds of maracujá need large light to germinate, substrate and porous is fundamental for germinaçó of the species. Maintaining constant moisture during the whole germinative phase is crucial. Direct solar lighting not recommended, clarity only.

Vigorous trepadeira that can be planted from the level of the sea up to 1,700 meters of altitude.

The species are very rare in cultivation, their flowers attract kisses-flowers and are very aromatic, fruit concentrates, and can be tasted in natura or no preparation of juices, sorchts, jellies and candies.

Additional information

Weight N/A