Wallichia disticha – Distichous Fishtail Palm


Botanical nomenclature: wallichia disticha
Family: arecaceae
Origin: North India and Northeast Burma (Hymalaia region)
Height: between 6 and 8 meters.

SKU: P-1914 Category: Tag:


Fast-growing and highly adaptable species.

Frost resistant.

High germination rate.

Its leaves are arranged in two vertical rows next to the trunk and give it the extremely exotic appearance of plumes, which gives it its common name.

It is a typically tropical palm with excellent tolerance to subtropical climates. It is frost resistant.

It prefers to be cultivated in full sun and is not demanding as to the type of soil, but it will thrive better in rich and well-drained soils.

Species generally cultivated by collectors, still rare in domestic cultivation.

Additional information

Weight N/A