Pinus thunbergii – Japanese black pinheiro


Botanical nomenclature: Pinus thunbergii
Common name: japanese black pinheiro
Family: pinaceae
Origin: coastal areas of japan and south korea
Height: between 6 meters and 35 meters
Luminosity: full sun

SKU: P-1634 Category: Tags: ,


Species of easy cultivation, tolerant to cold, to heat, air pollution, drying, frosting, strong winds and salinity of air and soil.

The black japanese picker can reach the height of 35 meters, but rarely achieve that size outside your native habitat.

Japanese black pine is known by its branded terminal buttons that provide very interesting contrast with its green-dark leaf and its branches.

Due to his high resistance, both pollution and salt, is an exemplary explained differently different in several parts of the world. In japan is a widely specimen used for ornamental purposes and for bonsai art, a true classic in truth. His branches contained have a distinctive appearance and peculiar.

The species are also used for stabilization of dunes and gardens to the seafront.

It is extremely dry resistant and requires soils that promote good drainage, develop very well in sandy soils.

The species are generally spreaded by seeds, which germinate effectively.

Additional information

Weight N/A