Suisse geant is an early-maturing leek (summer).
Giant leeks have been known since ancient times. The bible mentions the lack of leek to the Jewish people during the desert crossing, at that time its medicinal properties in the treatment of the respiratory system were known.
Leek has the same medicinal virtues as garlic, but with a milder flavor and aroma, it is widely used in gourmet cooking and is one of the most appreciated vegetables by lovers of nouvelle cuisine.
The long, broad, green leaves overlap to form a tender, white, edible stalk. This white and tender part is the most consumed and with a greater variety of preparations, both in stews, soups, pies, salads and delicious when au gratin. Green leaves are best used for seasoning soups, sauces and making vinaigrette.
Excellent source of potassium, calcium and phosphorus and very rich in vitamin b, c and vitamin e with low calories.
Although commonly treated as a biennial, this plant is truly a perennial plant, also multiplying through small lateral growths.
Note: Grows well with most plants, especially roses, carrots, celery, beets and chamomile, but inhibits the growth of legumes. This plant is a bad company for alfalfa, each species negatively affecting the other.
Due to its precocious variety, its harvest cycle starts from 120 days of planting. Its cultivation is easier than onion, and can be kept in the soil and allows the harvesting of an always fresh vegetable straight to the table.